Wednesday 14th May 2014

Primary 7 arrived safe and sound in Scarborough yesterday without a single pupil (or teacher!) being sick. They had a fantastic time at Eden Camp (see photos below) where they learned lots of new information about World War II. The boys and girls settled quickly into their hotel and enjoyed their first dinner of chicken nuggets and chips! Last night was spent having lots of fun along the promenade, as well as a walk up to the castle. Fresh sea air, of course, is the perfect thing for a good night’s sleep!

The boys and girls are off to the city of York today. Read all about their adventures tomorrow! Don’t forget (parents, teachers and pupils) that you can leave comments and messages for the children on the blog.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday 14th May 2014”

  1. Glad you all arrived safely. You all look like you’re having a great time. Enjoy the York visit!

  2. Brilliant to see the Primary seven children having so much fun! Have a great time boys and girls, what a fabulous experience!

  3. We think Pr7 look as if they are having a wonderful time. We are looking forward to going when we are in Pr7 too!
    (Indie wanted to let Levi know that he enjoyed getting to sleep in the top bunk for a change!)

    From Pr4/3

  4. You all look like you are having a great time. Hope the sun shines for you all today – have great day.

  5. Wé are all having a brilliant time! Had a really busy day today…..think everyone will be more than ready for bed tonight.

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