Friday 8th May 2015

Primary 5 have their class assembly this afternoon. The boys and girls have been very busy preparing their presentation on the Romans and it’s looking and sounding great! We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to the assembly at 2.00pm, followed by a cup of tea in the Primary 5 classroom.

One of our very talented P7 pupils took part in the Tae Kwon Do English Open in Manchester recently and came 1st in her section. What an amazing achievement! A huge well done from everyone at St Bart’s!

Wednesday 6th May 2015

It was great to see a such a healthy turnout of parishioners yesterday for the monthly ‘Pray for our School’ group. As always, the group prayed the rosary in the oratory for the needs of the school before enjoying refreshments with some of our Primary 7 pupils. The group is a vital and valued part of our school community – many thanks to all of its members for their faithfulness and commitment to St Bart’s.

We are now less than a week away from the Primary 7 trip to York. I’ll be accompanying the children on the excursion and my plan is to replace next week’s blog entries with updates on Twitter throughout the four days we are away.

Please remember that tomorrow is an inservice day and St Bartholomew’s will be closed to pupils. See you on Friday.

Tuesday 5th May 2015

Welcome back! I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable long weekend.

I’m delighted to announce that we raised an amazing £802.73 during Lent for SCIAF and this money will be doubled to an incredible £1605.46 by the UK government. What a fantastic achievement! We also had a special collection on Friday for SCIAF’s Nepal earthquake appeal and raised a total of £100. Thank you so much for your generosity.

There was a fantastic atmosphere in St Bartholomew’s on Friday for our ‘Festival of Faith’. The hall was packed with pupils, parents, parishioners and friends for our special Mass with Bishop Toal and it was wonderful to see so many generations from the St Bartholomew’s parish community worshipping together. I’m not sure what the exact gap in age was from the youngest to oldest, but it must have been 80+ years! It was particularly encouraging to see pupils and visitors chatting together in the tearoom after Mass. Many, many thanks to everyone who turned up on Friday to support us!

Of course, a major highlight of Friday was to have the Blessed Sacrament reserved in our oratory for the very first time. As you can see in the photograph below, the sanctuary lamp is now lit next to the beautiful tabernacle donated to St Bartholomew’s last year by the Passionist community, Glasgow. What a huge privilege for our school!