Thursday 28th May 2015

Primary 7 are off to St Ambrose High School today and tomorrow for their induction days. I’m sure the boys and girls will have a busy and exciting two days and we look forward to hearing all about it when they return to St Bart’s on Monday morning.

After chatting things through with staff yesterday, we have made the decision to postpone our school show, ‘Welcome to the Sixties’, until after the summer holidays. Although I have taught the songs to the children, various factors such as the York trip, May holidays and temporary members of staff have left us with very little time to pull things together into the sort of slick performance everyone has come to expect of St Bartholomew’s. With interviews for class teacher posts (both here and in another school), sports day and a string of other commitments in my diary, it would also have been very difficult for me to find sufficient time to play for rehearsals. It’s been a difficult decision to make, but staff are all in agreement that it would be much better to put on a high-quality performance in October rather than a mediocre show in three weeks time which wouldn’t give our talented pupils the opportunity to truly shine on stage. Please accept our apologies for the late change of plan, but we promise an absolutely fantastic show just before the October holidays next session!

Of course, our current Primary 7s won’t be here in October. However, as you know, the children had the unique opportunity last term of working with the Citizens Theatre and putting on an amazing performance of ‘Divided City’. Postponing our show will also now free-up time for our P7 pupils to properly prepare and rehearse for their Leavers’ Mass and Graduation ceremony. The children have already started to choose songs and brainstorm their ideas and we’ll now have sufficient time to do these justice and give this important event the attention it deserves.

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