Monday 18th May 2015

Primary 7 had an absolutely fantastic time in Yorkshire last week. It was a jam- packed week, with hardly a minute to spare. If you haven’t already done so, please check out Twitter to see photographs of the huge range of activities the children experienced during their four days away.

Our Primary 4 pupils made their First Holy Communion during the 10.00am Mass in St Bartholomew’s Church yesterday. The church was absolutely packed with parishioners, family and friends and the boys and girls did themselves, their parents and the school proud. Many congratulations to each and every one of you!

All teaching staff from St Bartholomew’s, St Augustine’s and St Kevin’s Primaries will gather together in our school hall at the end of today for input on assessment from Myra Young, a well-known education consultant. Myra has worked with us at various points throughout the year and this afternoon’s session will conclude her input. A very warm welcome to Myra and colleagues from our cluster schools.