Monday 11th May 2015

Primary 5 presented an absolutely super assembly on the Romans on Friday. The boys and girls impressed the whole school with their singing and acting at the morning dress rehearsal before WOW-ing their invited guests in the afternoon. It was great to see such a fantastic turn-out; thank you to everyone who came to support the children.

It’s the Primary 7 York trip this week, so I will be out of school from Tuesday until we return on Friday evening. Although there will be no Head Teacher’s blog for the remainder of this week, you will be able to keep up-to-date with our adventures in Yorkshire via Twitter; photos and updates will be posted throughout each of the four days we are away.

Finally, Isabelle Boyd (Head of Service) shared the following with me at a meeting last week. It’s Pope Francis’ simple (but very wise!) approach to prayer. I know some of our pupils are already familiar with the Holy Father’s ‘Five finger prayer’, but this method is equally suitable for grown-ups, so I thought I’d post it on today’s blog.

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