Wednesday 4th March 2015

The annual ‘Rich man – Poor man’ event raised the fantastic sum of £47.00 for SCIAF yesterday. Many thanks to the Faith in Action group for organising the event and to all the boys and girls who took part for their generous donations.

Lynn Hendry from the Hunter Foundation (linked to the STV Appeal) was thoroughly impressed during her visit to St Bartholomew’s yesterday morning. A fantastic group of P5-7 pupils gave Lynn a guided tour of the school and talked to her about everything that makes St Bart’s a great place to learn. I am hoping that Lynn will be able to support us in further developing the performing arts in St Bartholomew’s, especially now that we have the Mark Millar Performing Arts Studio and our new state of the art stage lighting and sound system. Watch this space!

Tuesday 3rd March 2015

The Faith in Action group’s annual Lenten ‘Rich man – Poor man’ event takes place at playtime today. The cost for a snack (either ‘rich’ or ‘poor’) is 50p, with all proceeds going to SCIAF.

I will be meeting with Lynn Hendry from STV this morning to discuss possible ways in which the STV Appeal might benefit St Bartholomew’s. I’ll keep you posted on any developments.

We welcome the parish ‘Pray for our School’ group to St Bartholomew’s today. The group will be back in the oratory following its refurbishment and I am sure everyone will be absolutely delighted when they see the new benches. As always, the parishioners will enjoy a cup of tea and a blether with some of our pupils.

Primary 7’s performance of ‘Divided City’ is only a week away now so this morning’s rehearsal is very important indeed. Both the boys and girls from St Bart’s and Townhead Primaries were looking and sounding great last week, so I’m sure today’s rehearsal will run like clockwork. I can’t wait to see the show!

Finally, we received a surprise postcard from Badger the Mystical Mutt yesterday. It looks like he enjoyed his visit last week!


Monday 2nd March 2015

Primary 1 had a fantastic trip to Summerlee Heritage Park on Friday. Check out Twitter (@bartholomew_st) for photographs of their fun day away.

I’m delighted to announce that two of our P6 pupils, Ryan and Kaitlin, have qualified for the cross-country finals on 24th March. Well done to both of you!

Our netball team is participating in league matches today. Mrs Ruddy has told me the boys and girls are going from strength to strength, so I have no doubt they’ll do very well in today’s matches.

As you know, the new benches for our oratory arrived at the end of last week. They fit in perfectly to their new home and make our oratory an even more beautiful space to spend a few quiet moments in.