Friday 27th March 2015

It’s our crazy hair/non-uniform day today, with all proceeds going to SCIAF. Keep an eye on Twitter this morning for photographs of some of the whacky hair-dos that walk through the door!

It was great to see such a good turn-out at Parents Evening last night. All parents and carers were given a sheet as they arrived with the collated results from the questionnaires distributed earlier this term. The sheet also included a copy of the school’s long-term strategic plan, outlining where St Bartholomew’s plans to be by June 2016. Please keep this sheet safe; we are committed to meet our aspirations and goals by our target date.

As you will have noticed, we laid out a mountain of lost property at last night’s Parents Evening with the hope that the items would be identified, collected and taken home by the end of the evening. Unfortunately, as you can see from the photograph taken at the end of the night, the pile hardly went down at all! Please can I urge all parents to have a final check through the lost property box by the end of school on Tuesday as all unclaimed items will be heading off to a charity shop at the end of term. Thank you.

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