Tuesday 24th March 2015

Ryan and Caitlin from Primary 6 are representing St Bartholomew’s at the Cross Country finals today. Best wishes to both of you from everyone in St Bart’s!

The Parent Council meets tonight at 6.00pm in the Staff Development Base. Some of our discussion will revolve around an Open Evening we plan to host on Tuesday 28th April which will allow parents/carers the opportunity to get a proper look at our refurbished building. Details will be sent out nearer the time.

I will also be sharing with the Parent Council the collated results from the parent questionnaires which were sent out during the course of this term. Many thanks to all parents and carers who took the time to complete the questionnaire. The feedback you gave us has been extremely valuable and has highlighted several areas which we need to work on and improve in the months ahead. All parents/carers will receive a copy of the collated feedback at this Thursday’s Parents’ Evening.

Monday 23rd March 2015

Primary 2 were absolute stars during their class assembly on Friday. They did a fantastic performance about their ‘When Gran was a Girl’ topic, including a very enthusiastic rendition of ‘Oh, yi cannae shove yer granny aff a bus’! Well done to Primary 2 and Mrs Polsinielli.

There are quite a few events on this week, so please make note of the following:

The Book Fayre runs throughout this week, with a large selection of books available for pupils to purchase.

The Parent Council meets tomorrow evening at 6.00pm.

Parents’ Evening takes place on Thursday. Appointments have been sent out.

Friday is our crazy hair/non-uniform/cinema day, with all money going to SCIAF.