Tuesday 17th March 2015

Well, what a HUGE distance our netball team have travelled over the past couple of months. They’ve gone from being a newly-formed team of novices to netball champions! Yes, the St Bart’s team walked away with the winning trophy at yesterday’s netball tournament! Well done, everyone, and many thanks to Mrs Ruddy for accompanying the children over the weeks and being such an encouragement.

A bit of prior warning about a couple of fun events planned for the week leading up to the end of term. We’ll be holding a crazy hair/non-uniform day a week on Friday (27th March) in aid of SCIAF, with a prize for the whackiest hair-do in each class! We’ll also be holding an egg-decorating competition on the last day of term (Thursday 2nd April), when the boys and girls will have an hour to decorate a hard-boiled egg. Once again, there’ll be a prize for each of the eight winners. So, get those thinking caps on and let’s see how creative and crazy we can be with hair-dos and boiled eggs!!!

Finally, we pray for our Primary 3 pupils who will make their First Reconciliation this evening. Father Doherty will share a short prayer service with the children in the school oratory this afternoon and then the children will celebrate the sacrament in St Bartholomew’s Church tonight along with their families. This is a very special moment in the lives of the boys and girls and we ask Jesus to be especially close to each of them today.