Friday 13th March 2015

A HUGE well done to Mrs Carlin and Primary 1 Stars for raising the fantastic sum of £80 with their cake sale yesterday. This money will be added to the money we are raising for SCIAF during Lent. The UK Government has committed to match every penny donated this year, bringing the actual total raised through yesterday’s cake sale to a phenomenal £160! Well done, once again, to Primary 1 Stars and to the Faith in Action team who helped out with the stall.

Please remember those Primary 3 pupils making their First Reconciliation this coming Tuesday. Mrs McLean has been helping the boys and girls prepare for the sacrament over the past couple of months and the children have also had some special activities to do at home.

Finally, the painters are continuing to make good progress. They will finish in Primary 4/5 today, leaving Primary 4 the only classroom still to paint in the top corridor. Not long to go!

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