Wednesday 25th February 2015

The prayer service will meet in the oratory this morning at 8.45am. There was a very good turn-out last week and I would encourage pupils, parents and parishioners to make a special effort to attend during the season of Lent.

The new benches for our oratory will be delivered tomorrow. Photos will be posted on the blog later this week.

Primary 7 had a fantastic rehearsal for ‘Divided City’ yesterday morning and the team from Citizens Theatre left with huge smiles. The performance is now only two weeks away, so the excitement is really starting to build. Keep up the super work, Primary 7!

I spent a focus day in Primary 6 last Friday and it was great to see the children so enthused and motivated by their learning. ‘Artefact Pursuit’ was particularly popular and gave the children the opportunity to reinforce and demonstrate their learning on different historical sources. You can find out more about this on the P6 class page. Well done, boys and girls, on all your impressive work!

I popped back into P6 yesterday to complete a short questionnaire with the children. I also met with a small ‘focus group’ to gather information on the views and opinions of the boys and girls. As always, the children were very articulate and keen to put forward their points of view.

P6 focus group
P6 focus group