Friday 13th February 2015

The children had a great time at the Valentine Disco last night. Everything ran like clockwork thanks to the fantastic team of parent helpers who organised and supervised the event. A HUGE thank you to you all for your dedication, enthusiasm and hard work. We’re so lucky to have you!

I spent a focus day in Primary 4/5 yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the boys and girls so engaged in their learning. The entire day’s work was related to their Romans topic and included writing a newspaper article, using Roman numerals in maths, writing secret messages using the old Latin alphabet and redrafting their writing in the computer suite. I spent part of the day with a small ‘focus’ group finding out the children’s thoughts and views on their learning, their classroom and the school. They were a very articulate and (as you can see from the photo below!) enthusiastic bunch!
Please remember that there will be no hot meals served at lunch today as the painters will begin work in the hall immediately after this morning’s assembly. Despite being a huge job, the hall will be finished by the end of the weekend, ready for the new roller blinds to be fitted on Monday.

Next week is Catholic Education Week and this will begin with the annual Education Mass on Sunday. This Mass will take place in St Bartholomew’s Church at 12 noon and all pupils, parents, carers and friends are very welcome to attend. It would be wonderful to see a good crowd on Sunday to celebrate the special partnership between our school and parish communities.

Finally, if you weren’t in the school building yesterday, here’s a little taster of our gleaming new entrance area…