Wednesday 4th February 2015

The painting in the Oratory was finished yesterday and, with the new feature ceiling and background lighting, it is now more beautiful and peaceful a space than ever. The altar backdrop and stations of the cross will be placed back into the oratory today and the tabernacle, donated by the Passionist community, will be placed in its new home over the coming weeks. Finally, new wooden benches are currently being made and these will add the finishing touch to this most special of spaces in a few weeks time.

The painters will begin work on the corridors today and are likely to get as far as the hall door. This means that there will be some minor disruption over the coming days in terms of pupils, staff and visitors only having access to half of the corridor. However, given how well everyone coped with the disruption of the rewiring, I have absolutely no doubt that we’ll take this new phase of work in our stride.

New benches are currently being made for our oratory.
New benches are currently being made for our oratory.