Monday 2nd February 2015

Although we were expecting the painters to begin last Monday, they will actually make a start today. The Music Room and Oratory will be the first rooms to be painted before the contractors make their way through the central area of the building. To minimise disruption, I’m hoping the hall will be painted during the three days the children are on holiday next week.

The Primary 4 class assembly was absolutely super on Friday and the new lighting and sound system made a huge difference to the performance. Check-out the P4 class page for photographs of the children’s presentation, along with comments from the audience.

A Pupil Voice Business Meeting took place on Friday. The chairperson from each of the six groups had the opportunity to chat to me about their group’s current work and the plans they have for the weeks and months ahead. The minutes from the meeting will be posted in the Pupil Voice section of our website at some point today. Please take the time to read about the exciting work the boys and girls are doing to improve St Bartholomew’s.

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