Thursday 29th January 2015

Tickets are now on sale for the Valentines Disco which takes place on Thursday 12th February. Tickets are priced £1.50 and, as usual, are available from the office.

Whilst doing their last few jobs in the hall, the electricians uncovered two alcoves at either side of the stage, left by an old sound-system at some point in the school’s history. I scratched my head over the weekend wondering what we should do with them. Simply board them up? Use them to display statues or trophies? However, I had a brainwave on Sunday night and I can now share this with you as the idea is about to become a reality. St Ambrose Art Department have very kindly agreed to work with some of our pupils to produce two stained glass window panels based on our school colours of red, black and white. These will be back-lit by lights which the electricians will fit in the alcoves just before they leave this week. The panels will provide a beautiful finishing touch to our refurbished hall. We didn’t have a clue that the alcoves were there, but they’ve turned out to be a very welcome find!

Finally, as you can see from the photographs below, the boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed sharing a healthy breakfast together yesterday morning as part of National Breakfast Week. There were some delicious breakfast items brought in including porridge, pancakes and fresh fruit. Thank you to Mrs Bolland and the Health for Life group for organising this fun and healthy treat.