Wednesday 28th January 2015

Snow is forecast for Coatbridge later today. Should the snow be persistent overnight, please remember to make the North Lanarkshire Council website, the Head Teacher’s blog, Twitter and local radio your first ports of call tomorrow morning. Although it is not expected to be the case, announcements will be made on all of these if the school is forced to close due to adverse weather. Please can I ask once again that, if at all possible, you avoid telephoning the school office to ask if the school is open as it is vital we keep the lines free to receive and make essential calls. If there are no announcements on the Head Teacher’s blog, Twitter or the North Lanarkshire website, the school is open.

The Parent Council met last night and there were a variety of topics discussed around the table. However, before any final decision is made on the priorities the Parent Council will take forward, the views of all parents and carers will be sought. As P1 Rockets and P2 parents will already know, a questionnaire is being distributed class by class during the course of this term to all parents, and the data and comments from these will help inform and shape Parent Council priorities. Parents and carers will also have the opportunity to submit their views and suggestions at a special Open Evening in April which the Parent Council will host. This event will give everyone interested in the school the opportunity to explore the refurbished building and see some of the fantastic learning spaces and resources St Bartholomew’s now has. Further details will be sent out in due course.