Monday 26th January 2015

As mentioned on Friday’s blog, Mark Millar hosted a special preview showing of his latest film, Kingsman, at Cineworld last night with all proceeds going to St Bartholomew’s. It was encouraging to see so many people retweeting announcements about the event on Twitter yesterday including Ricky Ross (Deacon Blue) and John Gordon Sinclair (of Gregory’s Girl fame). The money raised last night will pay for the children’s trip to the pantomime next Christmas. A huge thank you, Mark, for your ongoing friendship and support! It was lovely hearing you mention St Bart’s on STV’s Riverside Show Friday teatime!

A lady called Kate Corrigan made contact with the school on Friday to let us know about a proposed Youth Club/Community Hub behind the shops on Leven Road where the previous community centre used to be. Kate is very keen to hear from parents and carers via a Facebook page which has been set-up called ‘Cairn Connect’. Indeed, all Townhead residents can find out more about the proposed centre and post their views on this Facebook page.

Contractors are due to begin the internal painting of the school today. The electrical work is only a day or so away from being completely finished and the start of the painting means we’re now on the home-straight in terms of our building refurbishment. Please keep an eye on the blog for regular updates on how the painting is progressing.