Monday 19th January 2015

Please remember that as well as the Head Teacher’s daily blog, St Bartholomew’s is now using Twitter on a regular basis to share special events and various pieces of the children’s learning. Twitter can be downloaded as an app on most mobile phones and can also be accessed on a computer. We have added a link to Twitter next to the HT Blog on the website homepage.

Primary 1 enrolments took place last week and I’m absolutely delighted that, once again, St Bartholomew’s will be welcoming a very healthy number of children into P1 this coming August. We will be submitting our projected 2015/16 school roll to Head Quarters this week so if you did not happen to enrol your child for P1 last week, it’s essential that you do so today. Thank you.

Our ‘Royal Rockstars’ concert takes place in the school hall tomorrow at 6.00pm. Tickets are available from the office, priced £5.00, and the CD we recorded last week will be also be on sale at the concert. Pupils should arrive for 5.45pm and go straight to the Music Room.