Friday 16th January 2015

Please note that today is the last day for Primary 1 enrolments. Mrs Smillie and Mrs Clare will be available to assist prospective parents with paperwork from 1.30pm onwards.

The children conducted themselves like absolute professionals during the recording of their Royal Rockstars CD yesterday. The CD will be on sale at next Tuesday’s concert which begins at 6.00pm in the school hall (tickets are £5.00 and are available from the office). The children should arrive at 5.45pm prompt and make their way to the Music Room.

I’m delighted to say that our new state-of-the-art sound system will be installed in the hall in around two week’s time (thanks to the grant from Education Scotland). This, along with our fantastic new stage lighting, will provide St. Bartholomew’s with a performing space which will be the envy of many other schools. We have also managed to find enough money to replace the tired old hall curtains with slick new roller blinds which will be fitted immediately after the hall has been painted. There’s no doubt about it: St Bart’s hall is going to look FANTASTIC!

There will be no assembly today. However, Pupil of the Week certificates will be awarded as usual, along with House points and the Cool Class Cup.