Friday 9th January 2015

An exciting competition has been organised by North Lanarkshire catering who provide our school meals. All P1-7 pupils are invited to draw an A4 picture with a spring/summer food theme. The winning entry will be used for the cover of the spring/summer menu leaflet and the winner will also be able to choose a bicycle to the value of £200 from Scotcast, Coatbridge (what a fantastic prize!). The picture can be created using coloured pencils, felt pens or paints but must be the pupil’s own work. All entries should be handed into the school office no later than Friday 16th January.

Our whole-school assembly takes place this morning. Pupils of the Week, the Cool Class and the winning House will be posted on the website later today.

Finally, Primary 1 enrolments take place next week. We look forward to seeing many of our existing nursery parents/carers as well as some new faces who have decided to choose St Bartholomew’s as the school for their child.