Thursday 8th January 2015

As announced on the blog back in December, St Bartholomew’s has been awarded £5000 from Education Scotland to further develop the performing arts. I was assured over the telephone yesterday that this money will be with us within the next week or so. These funds will be used to buy a new sound system for the hall and also to purchase a set of electronic keyboards and guitars. Amongst other activities, these instruments will allow us to offer parent-child after school clubs (probably in February/March) for P6 and 7 pupils to learn some basic keyboard and guitar skills along with their mum, dad or other adult. Places for these clubs will be limited, so will be offered on a first come, first served basis. Please keep an eye on the blog for further details and look out for a letter in your child’s school bag in the coming weeks.

A very proud Primary 2 pupil appeared at my office yesterday. She was keen to show-off a really impressive trophy that she had won at Girls Brigade for being part of the best squad. Well done! We’re really proud of you!