Tuesday 23rd December 2014

The thoughts and prayers of our whole school community are with those who were involved in the tragic accident in Glasgow city centre yesterday afternoon. This would be a shocking and traumatic event at any time, but it is made all the more sad and heartbreaking having happened so close to Christmas. We will pause at this morning’s assembly to pray for those who died or were injured, as well as for their families.

Last week, I wrote about Primary 6’s Christmas books. The boys and girls spent much of December writing their own special Christmas stories and carefully redrafting these into beautifully made and illustrated books. Yesterday, the boys and girls held a book launch in the library where they read their book blurbs to their P4/5 guests. P4/5 then took a vote and got to listen to the stories which had particularly captured their interest. I popped along for part of the book launch and I was very impressed indeed with both the stories and the confidence of the children as they presented them to their guests. Well done, boys and girls!

On this last day of term, please can I take this opportunity to thank the whole St Bartholomew’s team for all their day-to-day hard work and for their unwavering commitment to our pupils. It is very much appreciated and you all deserve a well-earned rest over the holidays.

To our whole school community – pupils, staff, parents, carers and friends – I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. See you on 5th January!