Wednesday 17th December 2014

Our P1-3 pupils were absolutely fantastic in their nativity yesterday. It was great to see such an amazing turn out in the audience and this gave the children a real boost on stage. Wasn’t it wonderful to hear and see the Christmas story told so beautifully and still get lots of laughs along the way! Well done, boys and girls!

Please can I take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting our various Christmas events. The Christmas Fayre, P4-7 concert and P1-3 nativity raised well over £3000, allowing us to purchase new stage lighting. The £5000 grant from Education Scotland will pay for a new sound system and, if we can pull together sufficient money towards the end of the financial year, we are also hoping to replace the tired curtains in the hall with new roller blinds. This will allow us to completely black-out the hall during school shows and add the finishing touch to a top-quality performing space which will match the amazing talent of the pupils of St Bart’s!

Now that the concerts and shows are over, we can make a start on the more relaxed festive events. It’s Christmas dinner today and P4 and 5 have their Christmas party this afternoon. Keep an eye on Twitter to see us all enjoying tucking into our turkey and roast potatoes as well as P4 and 5 enjoying their party games later in the afternoon.

I’ll leave you with another festive wall-display, this time from Primary 2.

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