Thursday 11th December 2014

The big day has finally arrived for our P1-7 pupils! We’re all off to Glasgow at 10 o’clock for a fun-filled day at the Pavilion Theatre. Our good friend (and former pupil of the school) Mark Millar has, once again, very kindly paid for the whole school to go to the pantomime. It’s Treasure Island this year (Oh, yes, it is!), so it will be a day of pirates, parrots and pieces of eight! The afternoon will finish off with the children meeting the cast before we all head back to St Bart’s in time for the 3 o’clock bell.

If you haven’t already done so, please remember to follow us on Twitter (@bartholomew_st) to receive up-to-the-minute updates throughout the day.

The nursery Christmas concert is tomorrow, with performances at 10.15am and 2.15pm. The boys and girls have been working hard on their songs and looked fantastic in their costumes at yesterday’s dress rehearsal.

Finally, another festive wall-display to brighten up the blog… this time from Primary 6.