Monday 1st December 2014

The Christmas Fayre was a huge success on Saturday. There was a great turnout and it was lovely to see so many families enjoying the festive atmosphere. Of course, a massive vote of thanks needs to go to Mrs Smillie and the fantastic team of volunteers who got everything ready for the big day and made sure it ran like clockwork on Saturday. Many thanks too to the staff who manned the stalls. I am also very grateful indeed to Mr Lynch for doing so much behind the scenes and to the cleaners who turned up once we’d left to get the school back to normal. The money we raised will be counted this morning and the grand total posted here on the blog later today.

Mrs Wishart, one of our P2 parents, has given me permission to tell this wee story (it certainly made us chuckle on Saturday!). The helper who was down to collect the entry money for Santa’s Grotto was delayed on Saturday morning and, when Mrs Wishart arrived, Mrs Smillie said, ‘Would you be OK to do Santa until the person gets here?’ Mrs Wishart, being her usual helpful self, said yes…. but the confused (and slightly terrified!) look on her face was enough to tell me that she had misunderstood what Mrs Smilie was asking her to do. You can imagine Mrs Wishart’s relief when she eventually realised she only had to collect the money at the door… not put on a white beard, climb into a Santa suit and actually sit in the grotto!!! Mrs Wishart saw the funny side of it and actually posed for a photo at the end of the Fayre. I hope you don’t mind the little additions, Mrs Wishart!

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