Thursday 27th November 2014

The main points from last Friday’s Pupil Voice business meeting have now been posted in the Pupil Voice section of the website. Please take the opportunity to read about the work and plans of each Pupil Voice group; the children are very enthusiastic about bringing about positive change in the school and your interest and support is always very much appreciated. Please get in touch if there’s anything you feel able to help out with.

The First Minister announced yesterday that the Scottish Government plans to introduce a Read, Write, Count literacy and numeracy campaign aimed at Primary 1 to 3 children. This is very welcome news and I look forward to finding out what this initiative will mean in real terms for the pupils of St Bartholomew’s.

We have been quoted £3000 to replace the 1970’s stage lighting, condemned and cut-off by electricians a few weeks ago. Given that we take a huge amount of pride in our concerts and shows here at St Bart’s, we really won’t be able to make do without stage lighting (despite the scary price!). We need to boost our school funds… which brings me onto a penultimate Christmas Fayre reminder! There’s been the most amazing team of helpers beavering away in the school over the past few weeks getting ready for the big day. There will be something for all ages, so please spread the word and make a point of being there on Saturday morning.