Wednesday 26th November 2014

We’re hoping to get the Christmas tree up in the hall at some point today. As you will have read in the November newsletter, Asda very kindly donated a fantastic 9ft pre-lit tree (including decorations and even snow!) to the school. Thank you for your generosity… we’re absolutely delighted!

Of course, as the tree goes up, it’s a reminder that our various Christmas events are just around the corner:

The Christmas Fayre is this coming Saturday from 10.00am – 1.00pm.
Tickets go on sale next week for the infant nativity (Tuesday 16th December) and the P4-7 concert (Wednesday 10th December).
The whole school will be off to the pantomime in Glasgow on Thursday 11th December. Further details will be sent out next week.

Busy, busy!… but as the song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”