Friday 19th September 2014

Our Parents Information Evening is only a few days away. Beginning at 6.00pm this coming Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to find out about the national Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) policy as well as the new relationships and sexual health programme for Scottish Catholic primary schools, ‘God’s Loving Plan’. You will hear about some ways to keep up-to-date with and support your child’s learning and will also have the chance to ask any general questions about your child’s learning or wider school issues. It would be great to see a good turn out on Tuesday evening and I look forward to seeing you there.

The system we use for our school blog and class pages, GLOW, is receiving a major overhaul over the next two weeks, with all content being moved over to a new, more robust system on 3rd October. My understanding is that new material published on GLOW between today and 3rd October will not be saved or transferred to the new system. Mrs McIntyre is attending an ICT meeting this morning to find out more, but there is a possibility that there will be no Head Teacher’s blog or class pages for the next two weeks. I will inform Parents and carers via the blog and text as soon as I have a definitive answer.

Keep an eye out on the website later today for this week’s Cool Class, Pupil of the Week awards and winning House.

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