Monday 15th September 2014

As mentioned in Wednesday’s blog, our newly-formed Pupil Voice Groups met for the first time last week. Every P1-7 pupil is now a member of one of these groups, allowing all pupils across the school the opportunity to have an authentic say and influence on matters which affect them. Each group will meet approximately once a month in separate P1-3 and P4-7 cohorts, with a P7 chairperson and secretary overseeing both groups and feeding back information to the Head Teacher. I will be holding the first Pupil Voice business meeting with the six chairpersons later today. I’m very much looking forward to hearing about the issues and ideas which were discussed at last week’s meetings and working with the six chairs to plan how we can take these forward in the weeks and months ahead. Please keep an eye on the new Pupil Voice section of our website over the next week or so to find out the various initiatives and projects each group will be working on.

Please remember that there will be a Parents’ Information Evening a week tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd September, from 6.00-7.00pm in the school hall. A presentation will be given on the national Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) initiative and there will also be information on how you can support and keep up-to-date with your child’s learning. The evening will finish with a general question time where I will endeavour to answer any queries parents and carers might have. I look forward to seeing you there.