Friday 12th September 2014

Our whole school community had a great time on the sponsored walk yesterday afternoon. It was a thoroughly enjoyable (and healthy!) way to spend the afternoon, with plenty of opportunity to enjoy the sunshine, breathe in the fresh air, admire the scenery and chat to friends. Of course, the main aim of the walk was to raise much-needed funds for our new SMARTBoards appeal, so please can I ask that all sponsor money is handed into the school office as soon as possible. Thank you.

Contractors are making great progress on the re-wiring of the school and have been working hard on the main entrance area throughout this week. The new ceilings are due to go up over the weekend, so we should return on Monday to a transformed foyer. I plan to post ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures on Monday to help our blog readers get a taste of the huge difference the re-wiring is making to St Bart’s.

Check out the ‘Success’ section later today for this week’s Pupils of the Week, Cool Class and House Trophy winner… and have a great weekend once it arrives!