Tuesday 9th September 2014

John Wilson, our school photographer, will be in St Bartholomew’s today. Of course, St Bart’s pupils look smart every day of the week, but I’m sure they will look especially angelic and glowing for today’s photos! Proofs of photographs will be sent home later this week along with order forms. The school receives a small amount of commission on any photographs sold and all money raised this year will go directly to our SMARTBoards appeal.

Contractors are making good progress with the rewiring work in the central part of the building. I moved back into my own office yesterday and Mrs Smillie is also back at her own desk. However, as from tomorrow, Mrs Clare’s office will be out of commission. I will keep you posted on her temporary location once this has been decided. Visitors to St Bart’s will begin to see a huge difference to the main entrance area of the school within the next week. Thank you for your patience during the work.

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