Thursday 28th August 2014

I have been asked to speak at the Scottish Learning Festival at the SECC on the evening of 24th September. Unfortunately, this falls on the same day as the parent information evening mentioned in this month’s newsletter. Apologies for any inconvenience it may cause, but the information evening has now been moved to Tuesday 23rd September at 6.30pm. The evening will give you the opportunity to hear how St Bartholomew’s endeavours to get it right for every child in the school and how you can support and keep up-to-date with your child’s learning during the course of the year.

Our annual sponsored walk is now less than two weeks away (Thursday 11th September, weather permitting). As you know, we need to find around £16,000 this year to replace the ageing SMARTBoards in our eight classrooms. We hope to raise £6000 of this from fundraising events and the sponsored walk gives us a great opportunity to make a big jump towards our target. Last year’s walk raised almost £1200 and it would be fantastic to raise the same again, if not more! Please remember that every little counts… even one or two sponsors will help us achieve our dream of fitting state-of-the-art SMARTBoards in every classroom by the Easter holidays. Thanks for your support!