Wednesday 27th August 2014

Contractors are making excellent progress on the rewiring of the school. The Primary 2 and 3 rooms are now finished and Mrs Deeney, Mrs Polsinelli and their pupils can look forward to getting settled into their permanent classrooms over the next couple of days.

The contractors will move onto the central part of the school (oratory, staffroom, foyer, offices, toilets, Get Together Room) as from today, so there will be disruption to these areas over the coming weeks. First to be affected will be the oratory. This is now temporarily out of commission, so this morning’s prayer service will take place in the Get Together Room at the usual time of 8.45am.

It is very likely a start will be made on the school offices next week. This will mean that Mrs Smillie, Mrs Clare and I will, at some point, need to find temporary office spaces for a few days. I will keep you informed via the blog of these arrangements.

Apologies in advance for any inconvenience the rewiring work may cause. It will all be worth it in the end!

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