It has perhaps been the worst kept secret in Coatbridge over the past month or so, but I am now in a position to officially announce that Mr Hughes retires today. Mr Hughes spoke to me several months ago and very firmly expressed his desire to slip away from St Bartholomew’s quietly and without any public announcement. Of course, this really came as no surprise: Mr Hughes is known for his quiet, unassuming personality and his habit of simply getting things done without any fuss or drama.

I have no doubt at all that a public announcement of Mr Hughes’ retirement prior to the end of term would have resulted in a huge surge of well-wishers turning up at the school. Over the past four decades, Mr Hughes has educated literally hundreds of Townhead children, many of whom are now parents (and even grandparents) of current pupils. He has been an absolute inspiration to those many individuals who have been privileged enough to pass through his class over the years and you would struggle to find a teacher more dedicated, hard-working and genuinely interested in the welfare of their pupils. Likewise, you would struggle to find a more loyal and supportive colleague. Mr Hughes is, quite simply, one in a million and St Bartholomew’s won’t be the same without him.

If I’d had my way, I would have thrown the biggest party possible for Mr Hughes and I know that people would have travelled from far and wide to express their heart-felt thanks to this remarkable man and wish him well in his retirement. However, I felt it was important to respect Mr Hughes’ wishes and give him the opportunity to round-off his teaching career in the way he wanted.

Earlier today, Mr Hughes was presented with a beautifully bound copy of the old school logbook which is displayed in our trophy cabinet. This is a book Mr Hughes has grown very fond of (he’s even mentioned by name in its pages!) and we hope that, in the months and years ahead, this gift will be a constant reminder to him of how much he was respected, admired and loved by the St Bartholomew’s community throughout the many years he taught in the school.

Mr Hughes, we really will miss you! However, our best wishes and our prayers for a VERY long and happy retirement go with you as you leave St Bartholomew’s today. You’re about to begin the longest summer holiday ever! You’ve earned it, Willie!!!

(Please remember that there is the facility to leave messages here on the blog. Tributes for Mr Hughes along with any special memories would be most welcome.)

10 thoughts on “!!! A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT !!!”

  1. Good luck mr Hughes you will be sadly missed by all take care lots of love erin shaw & erin’s mum x

  2. Really going to miss Mr hughs liam mcelhinney p5
    Good luck. Dillon Mcelhinney s1
    A well liked member of staff who will be missed. Really glad Dillon had you as a teacher for two consecutive years. Enjoy your well deserved retirement.

  3. Enjoy your retirement Mr Hughes. Cara really enjoyed having you as her teacher and i’m sorry Ciaran wont have the privilege. All the best, The Fallens x

  4. Mr Youngs words dont sum it up fully ! Great teacher and tremendous with kids ! I thought he was installed in the school when they built it !!( hes been there that long ) think he will be missed by staff and pupils alike !! Enjoy your retirement Mr Hughes……

  5. Best wishes for your retirement, thank you for being an amazing teacher and it was a privilege to have you as my Primary 6 teacher. You will be greatly missed, love from Amy, Rebecca and Andrew.

  6. Omg! Cant believe it u have no idea how much you will be missed mr.hughes a can remember when you were my teacher u were one of the best it didn’t matter who u taught u always seemed to find a hidden talent in them so hope your planning a relaxing and happy retirement cause u deserve it take care from Marie,Andrew n amy-Leigh xxxx

  7. Mr Hughes …you have taught generations of my family and its been a privilege to have had you not only as my teacher but also as my children’s teacher. You coincidently have retired from St Bart’s at the same time as my last child has left the school to embark on a journey of excitement in the next phase of her life. This is the same for you ..Enjoy your retirement ,you deserve it …YOU ARE A LEGEND

  8. I remember Mr Hughes ,as I do St Bartholomews, with fond memories. My Primary 7 teacher in 1984 it is incredible how much service he has given the Townhead children and community. It must be an incredible 40 odd years. I hope he has a fantastic retirement as the last teacher from my primary years leaves the building.

  9. I hope you have a lovley Retirement, you have touched so many life’s during your time at St Bartholomews, Thanks for all the fun times we shared, God Bless you.
    love Tricia.xxxxx

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