Friday 27th June 2014

Primary 7 had an absolute blast at their beach party last night. The sun shone throughout the evening and it was wall to wall fun for everyone there. Many thanks to the Parent Council for organising this special event to mark the end of P7’s time in St Bart’s.

We not only say goodbye to Primary 7 today but also bid a sad farewell to Mrs Dickson in the nursery and Miss Hamill who has taught P2 this year. Mrs Dickson has been a well-known face in the nursery for nine years and will be greatly missed. We wish her well as she takes up her new teaching position in South Lanarkshire. Likewise, we wish Miss Hamill all the very best as she moves on from St Bart’s; thank you for all your hard work this year and good luck in your next school.

We’ve reached the last day of term and the summer holidays are now only a few hours away. It’s been a fantastic year here in St Bart’s. You only need to click through the blog and browse the class pages to see just how much phenomenal learning has gone on across the school since last August. A MASSIVE well done to our fantastic pupils – I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved!

Please can I also take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the St Bartholomew’s team and to thank each and every one of you for all you’ve done to make the 2013/14 session so enjoyable and successful for our pupils. You all deserve a well-earned rest over the summer.