Thursday 26th June 2014

Our Primary 7 pupils will be the centre of attention in St Bartholomew’s today. The boys and girls have reached their penultimate day of primary school and will mark the end of their seven years in St Bartholomew’s with three special events.

First of all, our whole school community will gather together with the families and friends of P7 at 1.30pm to celebrate Mass. This will give us the opportunity to thank God for His many blessings this year and also to pray for the P7s as they begin a new chapter in their lives at St Ambrose High School. We are delighted to welcome Fr Kelly back to St Bartholomew’s for this afternoon’s Mass.

The Mass will be followed by our P7 Awards Ceremony. A leavers’ certificate and St Ambrose tie will be presented to each P7 pupil and, thanks to the generosity of Mark Millar OBE, several special prizes will be awarded to a number of children who have excelled in various areas during their time in St Bartholomew’s. The boys and girls have also prepared a special song to sing to their family and friends. WARNING: bring a hanky!

After a cup of tea provided by the parish, the children will head home to get ready for their beach party. We can’t promise sunshine, but we can definitely guarantee the P7s a fun-packed evening. See you at 7.00pm, everyone! Don’t forget those sunglasses!