Thursday 19th June 2014

It’s our last day of activities here in Kilbowie. The weather is still beautiful and this has made the various outdoor pursuits all the more enjoyable for the boys and girls. The children have been extremely well behaved and have really done St Bartholomew’s proud. A huge well done to them all!

We are fast approaching the last week of term and there are a number of important events to remember. The nursery graduations will take place on Wednesday and the P7 Leavers’ Mass and Awards Ceremony at 1.30pm on the Thursday afternoon. Father Kelly, former parish priest and school chaplain, will be celebrating the Mass. The P7 Beach Party will be held on the Thursday evening… let’s hope this good weather continues for the Primary 7’s special night!

I am due to hear from Personnel today who our new members of staff will be. This will allow me to send out letters about classes at the beginning of next week. Once again, thank you for your patience.