Wednesday 18th June 2014

The sun continues to shine here in Kilbowie and the boys and girls continue to smile!

The vast majority of the activities are completely new experiences for the children but they are launching into them with great enthusiasm and walking away with the satisfaction of having successfully faced new challenges. Gorge-walking has been a particular favourite (basically putting on a wet-suit and helmet, walking up a fast-flowing stream and jumping into a pool at the end!) and kayaking over the sea to the nearby island of Kerrera has also been another highlight for the children.

It’s been great seeing the boys and girls form friendships with pupils from the other schools. These children, of course, will be the new classmates of our pupils at St Ambrose High School in August.

I have heard from Mrs Bolland and Mrs McIntyre that all is well back in St Bartholomew’s and that you are enjoying the same sort of weather as we are here in Oban. Well done, boys and girls!

Finally, I heard last night that Mike Russell, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, made a special mention of St Bartholomew’s in a speech at the SECC yesterday. He really was impressed with the school when he visited last Thursday and it seems he’s spreading the word! Well done, once again, to pupils, staff and everyone else involved in the Cabinet Secretary’s visit for helping show Mike Russell what a fantastic school St Bartholomew’s truly is!