Monday 16th June 2014

It’s hard to believe that we have reached the second last week of term. Time flies when you’re having fun!

Primary 7 are off to Kilbowie this morning. They have an exciting week of outdoor pursuits ahead of them including canoeing, gorge walking, ski-ing and mountain biking. The weather forecast for Oban is extremely good this week and this is sure to make the children’s time away all the more enjoyable and memorable. St Bartholomew’s is sharing the excursion with St Augustine’s and St Kevin’s primaries which will give the boys and girls the opportunity to get to know their new high school classmates.

I am in the process of writing comments on report cards and these will be distributed at the beginning of next week. Several parents have asked me about next year’s classes. The school will have several new members of staff in August, but I am still waiting to hear from Personnel who these new teachers will be. However, I will endeavour to send out details of classes at the same time as the reports go home. Thank you for your patience.

I am speaking at a conference at the SECC in Glasgow today but will be travelling up to Oban this evening, arriving at Kilbowie around 9.45pm. Mrs Bolland and Mrs McIntyre will be managing the school in my absence and will be able to deal with any urgent issues. I came across a photograph of the conference banner on Twitter last night. It includes the phrase, ‘Scotland: the best place in the world to go to school.’ What a great vision to have for our schools!