Tuesday 10th June 2014

It was like a scene from the story of Noah yesterday afternoon as the heavens opened and it poured with rain for the rest of the day. What a relief that that we opted to go ahead with Sports Day in the morning! Once again, well done to this year’s winning house, SUMMERLEE!!!

I’m delighted to announce that Saturday’s Summer Fayre raised the grand total of £950 for our SMART Board appeal. This money will be added to the ticket sales from our recent production of ‘Joseph’. What a great start to our fund-raising campaign! Thanks again to the fantastic team of parents who organised and ran the fayre.

We welcome our new Primary 1s to St Bartholomew’s this morning. The boys and girls will be pairing-up with their P6 and 7 buddies at 11 o’clock and getting a tour of the school. They will then head to the dinner hall and be treated to their very first school lunch!


Sports Day was a great success this morning and the rain stayed off right up until the last race. For once, the weather forecast was right!

Many thanks to Mr Hughes for organising everything with such precision and to the other members of staff for helping out with everything from supervising pupils to keeping the scores. A huge thank you to the Parent Council for purchasing the stickers and medals and for doing so much behind the scenes. Thanks too to all those adults who helped clear the field at the end of the morning… despite the pouring rain!

The results of St Bart’s Sports Day 2014 are as follows:

LOCHEND (363 points)
MONKLANDS (312 points)

Well done to all the boys and girls for being such good sportsmen and sportswomen and many congratulations to our winning house, SUMMERLEE!!!