Friday 6th June 2014

Primary 6 are off to the new visitors’ centre in Bannockburn today. The boys and girls spent much of last term learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence and, as family and friends will remember, presented a fantastic assembly on what they had learned. Today’s trip will be a great opportunity to visit the famous battlefield and consolidate their learning on this important part of Scottish history.

We will be welcoming family and friends of our Primary 5 pupils to St Bartholomew’s this afternoon for their class assembly. The boys and girls have been working extremely hard over the past few weeks on their presentation about the Commonwealth Games. I caught a snippet of the assembly last week and it was already looking great. As usual, the children have done some home-baking for their special afternoon, under the guidance and watchful eye of Mrs Laird. You’re in for a fabulous afternoon!

What a nice surprise to see a banner for the St Bart’s Summer Fayre on the roundabout last night! Please spread the word about tomorrow’s event… all money raised will go directly to the pupils in the form of new SMART Boards. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing team of parents and grandmothers who have worked their socks off over the past month or so organising and preparing for the Fayre. They literally haven’t stopped in weeks. We couldn’t have done it without you, so a HUGE thank you from all of us!