Wednesday 4th June 2014

We have an interesting day ahead in St Bartholomew’s as a film crew descends on the school to make a short documentary about one of our recent literacy initiatives. The film is being made on behalf of Scottish Government and will be shared at a conference of Head Teachers in the SECC on 16th June. Although focusing predominately on the literacy work we’ve been developing, the film will also include interviews with eight P4-7 children on their ambitions for the future and how their school work is helping them move towards these aspirations. It’s not quite a Hollywood production, but exciting nonetheless!

The parish ‘Pray for our School’ group met in the oratory yesterday morning for the final time this session before enjoying their usual tea and biscuits with our Primary 7 pupils. Please can I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the parishioners of St Bartholomew’s for their friendship, support, kindness and prayers throughout the year. You are a vital part of our school community and very much appreciated. Many, many thanks from the pupils and staff of St Bartholomew’s Primary.