Thursday 29th May 2014

Wow, wow, WOW!!! Last night’s Summer Arts Festival concert in Motherwell was absolutely fantastic and our Primary 6 pupils were total superstars! The boys and girls did their best performance yet and made mums, dads, grandparents, family, friends and staff very, very proud indeed. Well done, everyone! All that hard work certainly paid off.

Today is Ascension Day. Our school community will join the parish for Mass in St Bartholomew’s Church at 10.00am. All parents and carers are very welcome to join us.

We welcome our new Primary 1 boys and girls to St Bartholomew’s this afternoon (all 38 of them!) to give them a wee taster of what ‘the big school’ will be like in August. The children will spend some time in class with Mrs Carlin and also try out some different activities in the playroom. While they’re busy being big P1s, the mums and dads will be doing a workshop with Mairi Brady. The afternoon kicks-off for both adults and children at 1.30pm in the Music Room.

And finally (although nothing to do with school), a very happy 70th birthday to my dad! If you’re reading this, hope you have a great day!

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