Wednesday 28th May 2014

Primary 1 had a wonderful morning at Drumpellier Park yesterday. They found out lots about our local plants, trees and animals and particularly enjoyed seeing the ducks and swans (including some cygnets). As always, the children were beautifully behaved and did St Bart’s proud! Keep an eye on Primary 1’s Class Page to find out more about their trip to the park.

After months of dedication and hard work, the big day has finally arrived for twelve of our Primary 6 pupils. This group of boys and girls, under the instruction of a professional coach, have developed into very talented dancers and will perform their routine at Motherwell Concert Hall this evening. The final dance rehearsal, together with several other schools, went extremely well yesterday and the performance is sure to be a wonderful addition to tonight’s annual Summer Arts Festival. Many thanks to Mr Hughes for all he has done to support the boys and girls in preparing for the show, to Mrs Dolan for the wonderful costumes and to Mrs Smillie for lots of practical help and organisation behind the scenes. What a team!

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