Thursday 15th May 2014

Primary 7 had another fantastic day yesterday (despite the alarm clocks going off at 7.00am!!!). They spent the whole day in the historic city of York where they began with a ghost tour… lots of spooky and gruesome stories about some of York’s past residents! Just as well the tour was during daylight hours!!!

The children then visited the Castle Museum where they found out about the history of York. The beautiful sunshine meant that the boys and girls could spend a relaxing lunch on the grass outside the castle.

The children then headed off to the Yorvik Centre where they discovered lots of fascinating facts about the Vikings. There was even a virtual tour through Viking York and the chance to see a real Viking skeleton!

As if all that wasn’t enough, the boys and girls finished off the day with a trip to a military adventure park. Two hours of climbing, swinging and crawling made them more than ready for their beds…. those batteries needed recharged for the fun-packed day they have ahead at Flamingo Land! I think it could be the highlight of the week!

Mrs Bolland and Mr Hughes have reported that the children’s behaviour and manners have been excellent. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Bart’s pupils! Well done, P7, and enjoy Flamingo Land!