Friday 9th May 2014

Friday already. What a quick week!

Primary 3 will be hosting their class assembly this afternoon for their family and friends. The children have been finding out about all the different people who help them and are very excited about sharing their learning with their special audience. The assembly will be followed by an opportunity for the children’s guests to visit the P3 classroom, where they’ll be treated to a cup of tea, biscuit and a TOP SECRET special gift!!! The assembly begins at 1.30pm in the hall.

Pupil of the Week certificates, the House trophy and the Cool Class Cup will all be awarded at this afternoon’s assembly. Please log onto the website this afternoon to find out who the winners are. Due to the school show, I’m a couple of weeks behind with ‘Tea with Mr Young’. However, I haven’t forgotten about you, boys and girls – we’ll get caught up next week!

Our Primary 4 pupils have their final rehearsal for their First Holy Communion this morning. The staff are looking forward to sharing this special day with the boys and girls on Sunday and our whole school community will say a special prayer for them at this afternoon’s assembly.