Thursday 8th May 2014

This afternoon, St Bartholomew’s will welcome the parents and carers of the thirty-seven children starting Primary 1 this coming August. This is the first of a series of transition events and will take place in the Music Room at 1.30pm (please enter the school via the main entrance). Our current Primary 1 pupils will be giving a short presentation to the mums and dads to show them just how grown-up, confident and articulate St Bartholomew’s pupils are after only nine months in Primary 1. Get ready to be VERY impressed by our P1 superstars!

Our Primary 4 pupils are only a few days away from making their First Holy Communion. The special Mass will take place this coming Sunday at 10.00am in St Bartholomew’s Church. This is a very important and special day for the boys and girls, so please remember them in your prayers over the coming days.