Friday 4th April 2014

It’s the last day of term and St Bartholomew’s has a fun-packed day ahead! The residents of Townhead are in for a nice surprise this morning when they see St Bart’s pupils making their way to school in their pyjamas and onesies! Keep an eye on the blog today for photographs of pupils and staff in their bedtime gear!

At 9.25am, a special bell will sound to signal the start of our egg-decorating competition. The boys and girls have been mulling over their ideas all week and will have one hour to decorate their hard-boiled egg and bring their idea to life. I can’t wait to see all the creative ideas… although it’s going to be a very difficult job choosing the winning egg from each class!

At 11.00 o’clock, the children will head back out into the playground (weather permitting) for an Easter egg hunt. There’ll be a creme egg for every boy and girl to find. It’s going to be a very amusing sight seeing St Bart’s pupils darting around the playground in all those onesies!!!

We’ll be rounding off the day with our weekly whole-school assembly. As well as the usual Pupil of the Week certificates and trophies, the seven winning eggs will be announced and prizes will be awarded.

Many thanks to Mr Hughes and Primary 6 for giving the school grounds a spring-clean yesterday. You were a fantastic litter-busting team and your hard work has made a huge difference to the grounds. Well done and thank you!

Keep an eye on today’s blog for photographs of all our fun activities as well as an announcement of how much money our various activities this week have raised for SCIAF.

Thank you boys, girls and staff for all your hard work this term. Enjoy a well-earned break over the Easter holidays. See you on Tuesday 22nd April!

Thursday 3rd April 2014

Yesterday’s cake & candy stall in aid of our Lenten charities was like a scene from Argyle Street on a Saturday afternoon! A huge queue of pupils (and staff!) formed to snap up the home-made goodies. I’m delighted to announce that the fantastic amount of £60 was raised yesterday, with more items still to sell. Well done Mrs Carlin, Mrs O’Neill and all the pupil helpers! The annual ‘Rich Man, Poor Man’ snack will run during interval this morning. The cost is 50p, and the money raised will be added to yesterday’s amount.

A few things to remember for school tomorrow:
1. Wear your pyjamas or a onesie!
2. If you can, bring £1 to donate to our Lenten charities
3. Bring a boiled egg, along with anything you need to decorate it.

Finally, a HUGE well done to our after-school dance club! They performed in a competition at St Ambrose High School last night and walked away with the winning trophy. This was particularly impressive as there were a total of nine schools competing. WELL DONE TEAM!!!!!

Wednesday 2nd April 2014

Apologies for the information that went out about the cake and candy stall on yesterday’s and Monday’s blogs. This did not take place yesterday as had been originally planned, but will take place TODAY during morning interval. All proceeds will go to charity. Apologies once again to those children who brought in money yesterday and many thanks to Mrs O’Neill and Mrs Carlin for organising this fundraising event.

We were all shocked and saddened to hear the dreadful news about Keane Wallis-Bennett, the 12 year old girl who was tragically killed yesterday by a collapsing wall in an Edinburgh school. The thoughts and prayers of our whole school community are with Keane and her family and friends at this very sad and difficult time.

Tuesday 1st April 2014

Father Doherty will be in school this afternoon to celebrate our end of term Mass. As I glance back over this term’s diary, it’s amazing to see how much we’ve managed to squeeze into school life since Christmas… and there are still a few more things to come before we finish for the Easter holidays on Friday. This afternoon’s Mass will allow our whole school community to set aside some quiet time to reflect on the past few months, give thanks for everything we’ve achieved this term and – most importantly – continue our Lenten journey together towards Holy Week and Easter.

Please note that the ‘Rich Man, Poor Man’ snack will now take place on Thursday rather than tomorrow. However, the cake and candy stall will be open for business at interval this morning. All money raised will go to our Lenten charities.

The Stations of the Cross will be prayed in the oratory this morning at 8.45am. This will continue tomorrow and conclude on Thursday morning. All pupils, parents/carers, staff and friends are very welcome to join us.