Thursday 1st May 2014

As you may have already heard, Bishop Joseph Toal has been appointed as the new Bishop of Motherwell. Of course, many of us are already familiar with Bishop Toal as he has been administer of the diocese since Bishop Divine retired last year. St Bartholomew’s school community extends a warm welcome to Bishop Toal and assures him of our friendship and prayers in the years ahead.

Bishop Joseph Toal

What a fantastic day we had with the Fischy Music team yesterday! The boys and girls had great fun learning loads of new songs which encouraged them to feel good about themselves and to treat others with kindness and respect. We came together as a whole school community in the afternoon and literally lifted the roof with a concert of the songs we had learned. Our visitors were extremely impressed with the children’s behaviour, manners, enthusiasm and singing – the boys and girls did St Bart’s proud! Have a look at the photographs below to get a taste of the great day we had.

Our various Lenten fundraising events raised the fantastic sum of £443.95 for SCIAF. This money will be used by the charity to bring aid and relief to some of the poorest people in the world. Thank you to everyone for helping raise such a great amount.

Of course, today is the opening performance of our P4-7 show, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’. Due to all our ‘Fischy Music’ photographs, we don’t have a Joseph wall display today. However, the final two displays will be posted tomorrow. This morning’s dress rehearsal will be performed to an audience made up of the Nursery children, our P1-3 pupils and 60 young people from Buchanan High School. Our opening performance takes place this evening at 7.00pm. Tickets are still available, priced £3.

Arrangements for this evening:
Members of the cast should arrive for 6.30pm and go straight to the Music Room.
Choir members should arrive for 6.45pm and make their way to the Primary 4/3 classroom.
The show will last just over an hour. Pupils who are not walking home by themselves can be collected at 8.15pm.

One thought on “Thursday 1st May 2014”

  1. What a fantastic show tonight st bartholomew kids rocked the stage be back tomorrow to watch it again well done to all the children and staff.

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