Wednesday 30th April 2014

There was an extremely positive and productive meeting of the Parent Council last night. Ann Binks from Asda popped along to offer some advice on fundraising and everyone left feeling really motivated about embarking on our campaign to raise money for new SMART Boards. Of course, our first fundraising event will be this week’s school show, with all money from ticket sales going directly to the fund. Tickets, priced £3, are still available from the office.

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, ‘Fischy Music’ will be in St Bartholomew’s today to lead a special bullying-awareness day. The boys and girls are in for an exciting day of learning. Parents and carers can join in the fun by coming along to the afternoon concert. This will take place in the school hall at 1.30pm.

Primary 3 produced today’s beautiful ‘Joseph’ wall display. Look closely and you’ll see the faces of this creative bunch of pupils in the stripes of the rainbow!